Friday, August 28, 2009

Preschool Activities

Homeschool moms with little ones who aren't quite ready for school but need ideas to keep them busy. I heard of a great idea to make acitivity packs, I then googled preschool activities and guess what, here is a place that gives very good ideas for those packs. I also thought of my older children who might feel a little left out of the fun and I am going to make them a special activity pack that they can do during a 15 minute break from regular school work. What I have read that is recommended is limit the time with activity packs, like 15 or 20 minutes and then clean up that one and move on to another. Happy homeschooling!

Disclaimer: none of these ideas are mine but come from other great and wonderful homeschool moms who have tried these wonderful ideas and found that it works to relieve the stress of trying keeping everyone busy at the same time.
Preschool Activities


Kelly S said...

Hi Bev! I hope your week has gone well. I've been praying for you and your kids. I have been wanting to call you so bad but our phones aren't working. Missed you Wednesday night. We haven't started school yet, but I know what those first few weeks can be like. Hang in there! Love ya!