Sunday, March 23, 2008

He is risen, he is risen indeed. How beautiful is it that we have a saviour who came to save us from our sins, he bore our transgression, he became sin for us. I love the Lord and want to serve him with my whole heart. He has made my burden light, he brightens my pathway. Why wouldn't want to give honor to the someone who gave his all so that we might have salvation from the world. When I think of the surrender it took for Jesus to to be willing to die upon the cross. He could have said it isn't worth it, why should I go through this horrible pain and suffering. These people do not deserve this, most of them won't even appreciate it. I know I don't deserve a loving saviour, but I willingly have accepted this gift of salvation. He has changed my life so completely. I hope that all who read this know this Saviour in such a personal way as to know he is your Saviour. Jesus is risen, he is risen indeed.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, that whosoever believeth in him would have everlasting life. John 3:16