A blog from a mom, striving to raise her family to live for and serve God with their whole hearts.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Here is a happy group of turkey eaters(and we haven't even yet in this picture). We had lots of fun at the Gray family reunion. Lots to eat and plenty of fun and games. As you can see my children enjoyed beating upon the poor defensless reigndeer and Ales trying to do the hula. It was a wonderful day spent with family sharing in our joys and sorrows. Remembering to be thankful for all that the Lord has done for us. We all have so much to thank him for, he has provided our needs and wants. We really have no need to complain, we are truly blessed. The following morning we met at a wondeful restaurant in Sugar Creek, Oh, called Dutch Valley Restaurant and partook of their wonderful breakfast buffet and proceeded to stuff ourselves again, as if thanksgiving wasn't enough. Well, had fun and hopefully more can show up next year. And, now on to Christmas . . .
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk, and not faint
I am 34 yrs. old, mother of 3. I work a part time job as an LPN for Hospice of Cincinnati. I Graduated form GBS Highschool in 1991 and took approx 2 yrs of college there also studying, or trying to study music.
My blog has been evolving into something so much more than just updates on me and my family. I feel God has given me a voice so that I can share the truths of God's Word with others. You will still read stories of my children and see their endearing faces but I will be adding what God's gives me to tell others. I hope I can help you in some way. Feel free to post your comments with your views and maybe help to expand on my posts. Please pray for me and I will be praying for you.
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